Reasons to change to Stressfree Payroll
We believe in our services and so do our customers, here’s why…
why choose
Stressfree Payroll?
It is no longer necessary to employ dedicated payroll staff as Stressfree Payroll can take care of the complete payroll operation for you.
Whether you are a small business with only a few staff, or a large corporation employing several hundred or several thousand, we have the expertise and experience to ensure that your payroll is always delivered on time.
With our charges starting from as little as 60 pence per payslip our service is regarded by existing customers as particularly affordable, releasing your trained key staff to concentrate on being pro-active where it matters most – not tied up with non productive issues.
Here are just a handful of reasons to change to us and make payroll easier.
Large businesses can afford to house big payroll departments.
For smaller businesses however, using a specialist payroll bureau generally reduces overheads
If you calculate the employee hours spent on payroll activities, software and training costs, keeping up with regulations etc, is a large expense compared to the cost a service provider such as us can offer.
Many clients move to us when the existing staff who run payroll are not specifically or suitably trained.
Others where a chosen member of staff manages the payroll as well
as the more important role they had originally been interviewed for and employed to complete.
One of the biggest advantages of outsourcing is the freeing up of such employees to concentrate on helping your business grow it’s profits.
It can often be expensive to employ staff with the necessary training to operate a payroll system.
For smaller companies where the payroll role is not enough to warrant
a full-time employee, you may have to use your current staff to train in payroll as an additional responsibility to their core role.
Your payroll staff will also need to keep up to date with the latest tax procedures and legislation.
Our Experience
Even the smallest employers can still have complex payroll situations.
We have a wealth of experience at your disposal which is something you are unlikely to have with a small
in-house payroll department.
A good payroll service provider should know more payroll-related tax laws and the latest government legislation.
Payroll service providers can process complex payrolls at a great speed, providing a quick turnaround time on your payroll.
Providing all relevant information is provided systematically.
Mistakes can be stressful. A good payroll provider is less likely to make serious errors than “occasional” in-house staff.
New clients often comment that
they have decided to outsource after these several costly mistakes have come to light.
As soon as you take the plunge you are accessing our expertise, knowledge and the routines and checking procedures that have evolved over a substantial period.
With a payroll bureau, the quality won’t vary in accordance with holidays and sickness.
There is also the risk that you may lose a key members of staff that
currently deals with your payroll and all of his or her knowledge then walks away with them.
If this happens you could find it difficult to replace them instantly, causing a logistical nightmare come payday. You also won’t have to spend time training new staff or helping them to understand your business’s payroll system, if you move over to a bureau such as us.
Our packages are flexible enough to meet any specific needs.
Our customers essentially pick services from a comprehensive “menu” meaning that key
features can be picked, and that you are not paying for any aspects that are not required.
So there’s plenty to be said for the peace of mind that outsourcing payroll services can bring to a business owner or manager.
No headaches, hassles, stress or
worries, leaving you to focus on your business knowing that payroll compliance and obligations are dealt with correctly.
What People Are Saying
Having recently re-branded, we have updated some of the following comments from to Stressfree Payroll where necessary.
Here to help!
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Minehead, Somerset TA24 5BJ
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Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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